Episode 3: Save Your Eyes

Episode 3: Save Your Eyes

Tech Tips with Sarah – Episode 3: Save Your Eyes     On today’s episode, Sarah demonstrates how to reduce eye strain using themes in Microsoft Office. Learn how to implement a dark mode in Office. Have a technology question for Sarah? Email your submission...
Client Focus Webinar: Microsoft Releases

Client Focus Webinar: Microsoft Releases

Our very own Microsoft MVP shares the most impactful updates to your daily applications and give you insight into working smarter with enhancements that matter for everyone. Watch the recording today and learn: Discover where Microsoft is taking us now and into the...
Boost Your Business Operations with Machine Learning

Boost Your Business Operations with Machine Learning

One of the most fascinating components of artificial intelligence is machine learning. Machine learning, in its simplest of forms, has become a vital aspect of the way we interact online today. But what if you could harness this technology to elevate the performance...